Every March in Pensacola the McGuire's Prediction Run 5K takes place the Saturday before St. Patrick's Day. It is one of the largest prediction runs in the country where thousands come together to run and party. This will be my fourth year running this race, and I have to admit that I have been slacking with my running for the past six months. This week I ran for the first time in months, and to be honest, I realized that I feel better overall when I consistently run.

As I said before, this will be my fourth year running this particular race, but I didn't start to actually consider myself a runner until two years ago. I was running two to three days each week and participated in too many races to keep track. Some races were run as a group while others were run to push my limits. No matter how difficult the race may be, almost all of them end with drinks in Pensacola.

When I began running two years ago, it was really more about socializing than working out. There was a large group of us that would run races throughout the year, and it would always end with an after party. I have a competitive nature, so it wasn't long before I began to set goals for myself. Although I knew that I felt more energized when running every week, I allowed myself to give the excuse that life is busy. Weeks turned into months, and now I'm pushing myself to get back on track.
I have chosen consistent as my word for 2018. Consistency will be key to running and reaching goals that I have set for myself this year. The McGuire's 5K was the first race that I ran when I moved to Pensacola, and I have decided that it will be the first race that I will run this year. Since it is a prediction run, I have decided that my goal time is 33 minutes. If you have never run this race, I recommend that you join the party now.